The parish of Fordham in the Borough of Colchester, lies on the north bank of the River Colne. Fordham has a long history, reflecting national events and social change.
The hall is situated centrally within the main and southerly section of the village on Church Road, surrounded by land left to the Woodland Trust. There is a small car parking area to the front of the site and a grassed area with access to the adjacent parish playing field to the rear.
The village hall, or parish room as it was orginally called was built in 1920 with money donated by the Herring family in memory of Henry Harvey Herring who was rector of Fordham from 1839 unitl his death in 1868.
The hall was managed and maintained by the Parochial Church Council until 1969. Originally, one room with double front doors and a back door, heated by an open fire with a chimney, the hall was built at a time when there were fewer homes in the village.
In 1969 it was apparent that improvements were necessary not least of which was the addition of indoor toilets and there is a kitchen. In order to take advantage of government grants a management committee was set up and a lease was drawn up.
The Chelmsford Diocesan Board of Finance holds the title to the hall on behalf of the Rector and Churchwardens of Fordham. The chairman and treasurer of the Mangement Committee are the leasees. The hall operates under a Charitable Trust set up in the deed in 1969. Reg. 1007775.
The main hall is heated and bright with a tiled floor and has new windows and blinds. A smaller room leads off to the newly extended kitchen and new unisex disabled cloakroom with baby changing facility. There is a storage room at the back for chairs and a range of different sized tables. Maximum of 65 people.

Fordham Village Hall
Church Road, Fordham, Essex. CO6 5NA/ CO6 3NE (the village hall has no postal address, but either of these will bring you into Church Road. The village hall is set behind the brick built bus stop on the right as you drive up Church Road towards Wormingford. The hall is on the opposite side to the War Memorial and Village Green.) Charity Number 1007775

Drawing by John Kay